
Cards of Truth Year Reading 

An audio-recorded reading of your 13-card Year Spread with important dates & life details included. Please submit 1-3 questions or themes to focus on. This reading will be delivered via email.

Cards of Truth Life Reading 

An audio-recorded, reading of your 13 card Birth Spread with important life details, and dates included. Please submit 1-3 questions or themes to focus on. This reading will be emailed to you.

Divination Reading

In this reading, I will manually cast a card spread to answer a single question. This reading will be audio-recorded and emailed to you.

Human Design  Reading

An audio-recorded beginner Human Design reading. Submit up to 3 questions or themes that you would like me to talk about in your reading. Using a combination of Human Design and Gene Key principles, I will analyze your HD bodygraph to take a focused look at your life's purpose and provide you with nuanced insights tailored to what makes you uniquely YOU. This reading will be delivered via email.

Human Design Variable Reading

An audio-recorded advanced Human Design reading with a focus on the four transformation arrows, otherwise known as the HD variables. These arrows point to how we are cognitively designed to perceive and take in the world around us. I will analyze your unique set of variables and provide you with a detailed blueprint of how you are designed to eat, take in information, your ideal environment, what motivates you, your perspective on life, and how you see the world.